Curriculum Vitae – Svenja Bickert-Appleby

#meaningful change

Founder of

2018 – New Order Design

2021-2022 – Solostücke

2020-2022 – Kreiskraft

2014-2017 Future Flux

2014-2018 MySocialCity

10 + Years of Professional experience in consulting and entrepreneurship

Previous work experience:

2013 FutureGov, London, UK

2014 The Ludic Group, London, UK


Master‘s in Design Futures & Metadesign, Goldsmiths University of London, UK

Dissertation (with honours): “Making Sense: Research Into Design Praxis – An Exploratory Inquiry Into the Tacit Space Between ‘Theory’ and ‘Practice’”

Certificate in Design Thinking, The School of Design Thinking, Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Potsdam – in cooperation with the Stanford University‘s d.School, US

Diploma (with honours) in Communication Design, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf. Diploma project: “Solostücke. Conceptual Design of a sustainable kid’s fashion brand”

10 + Years of Teaching Experience

Visiting lecturer, MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths University of London, London

Visiting lecturer, BA Media Design, Project calculation, Hochschule Hof, Hof

Guest Lecturer in the MA Communication & Information lead by Andrea Augsten, Design Research course: How to write as a designer, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster

Visiting lecturer, Design Thinking, Universiy of the Arts Berlin‚ Hacking Utopia – Opencare for social & demographic change, Prof. Susanne Stauch, Berlin

Visiting lecturer Design Thinking, Dept. of Economic Computer Science, University RheinMain, Wiesbaden


DDC online magazine: “Für ein Designverständnis in der Mitte der Gesellschaft”

Contributed as co-author to the chapter: design, philosophy & critique to the book “Business Purpose Design” by Monica Smith, Berlin

Bickert-Appleby, S. (2016) ‘Think circular – business models for a better tomorrow.’ Service Design Gazette, Vol. 2, Eds. Service Design Berlin

Bickert, S. & Johansson, E. (2012) ‘Learning from the past to challenge the contemporary context of design: A collaborative enquiry investigating the effect of time on the design process’, Journal of Writing in Creative

Cited in

2022: Menschzentrierte Digitalisierung: Praxisleitfaden für eine gelungene Usability und User Experience in der öffentlichen Verwaltung (Edition Innovative Verwaltung) Taschenbuch – 2022

2021: CSR in Hessen: Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit – Impulse aus Bildung, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility) – 2021

Professional affiliations

Member of the IHK committee “Creative Industries”, Wiesbaden 

Member of the International Design Literacies Network, Oslo